Goddess, Prophetess, Priestess

Leader, Teacher, Medium, Oracle, Psychic Reader

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About MzRoyal

I was Born and raised in Charleston Sc, I've been in Christian ministry as a young girl up to adult age. I've been a head Prophetess of 2 miniseries I've traveled to several states in the United States.

In 2010, I took a sabbatical from Christendom after the passing of my mother, I started studying parts of the Occult in 2008 then even more in 2010.

My gifts are psychic readings,  mediumship, I teach classes, I'm a diviner, I make oils, sachets, and dressed anointed candles based on individual cases. I am sent here by Great Spirit to do a specific work to help set my people FREE SO MOTE IT BE!


Our mission is to set people free from the enslavement of indoctrination. Heal the wounded hearts. Self love advisory. Implementing universal laws. Breaking down the barriers of false religions and venerating our ancestors SO MOTE IT BE!

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